Excellence, determination & commitment
Our dedicated team and specialised support network allow for remarkable efficiency and groundbreaking results.

Our dedicated team and specialised support network allow for remarkable efficiency and groundbreaking results.
Founder & CEO
Chief Science Officer
Patent Attorney
Chief Operations Officer
Operations Assistant
US FDA agent
The foundations for Evithé Biotechnology were already put in place by it’s Founder Cynthia when her father experienced a bacterial infection and Sepsis related organ failure during her childhood. Her unrelenting curiosity and determination to create better treatment outcomes for others has been the driving force behind Evithé for over 20 years.
Founder & CEO
The founder and CEO of Evithé Biotechnology is on a mission and dedicated 15 years of studies and research towards the development of a new paradigm of medicine development including botanical prescription drugs and multi-target pharmaceutical drugs.
Her background in ethnobotany, clinical research and masters in innovation and commercialization accelerates Evithé Biotechnology.
Chief Science Officer
Mr Sutton has 21 years of experience in botanical drug development at GW pharmaceuticals and blazed a trail for botanical drug development world-wide.
Practical experience natural products chemistry, manufacturing and FDA specific botanical drug compliance requirements will make it possible for Evithé Biotechnology to build on the shoulders of giants.
Patent attorney
Experience in natural products chemistry and the legal protection of botanical drugs is a key asset to a bio-pharmaceutical company.
Jane has 25 years of experience and her work for companies in this field makes it possible to protect our assets and take botanical drug development into the future.
Chief Operations Officer
Dr Rajic brings extensive experience in pharmaceutical engineering and biochemistry to the team. As a former CEO for BioViros, she led the establishment of a custom build laboratory for large scale manufacturing of viral vectors for cell therapies. Her skills and experience is an asset to her role at Evithé Biotechnology.
Operations Assistant
Dr Ceron supports the management team with his experience as a medical doctor and knowledge of clinical immunology.
This makes it possible for him to translate clinical needs into a clinical innovation and commercialization pathway via reverse-pharmacology.
Mrs Wells has is an experienced corporate service manager and used to work for KPMG. Her financial experience, business management and leadership skills provide a broad range of skills to the Evithé Biotechnology.
US FDA agent
Mr Sudhakar has a background in pharmacology, runs a commercial laboratory and has taken many new drugs from pre-IND to New Drug Applications (NDA) trough the FDA regulatory processes.
His experience supports Evithé Biotechnology to meet US and EU regulatory requirements.
Mr George joined GW Pharmaceuticals and grew with the company from start-up to becoming its Chief Financial Officer and developing its financial strategy to its successful sale at $7.2 billion dollars.
He is an advisor to the company and support us on a similar journey.
Mr Clough has extensive experience growing companies from start-ups to greatness, both as an investor and based on his extensive experience building the global CSSL Group which holds offices in 8 countries.
He brings international experience in finance and the growth and establishment of private and listed companies.
Mentor & Executive Chair
Prof Hooper is the chair of the board at Evithé Biotechnology. She brings over two decades of experience as a lecturer in marketing communications,
brand management, strategic management and marketing communications to the company and has seen the company grow from University spin out to clinical trials.
Mr MacDonald has over 30 years experience in international business and successful careers
at Mobil and Sony.
He provides the company with manufacturing and scaling experiences following his endeavours establishing CSI food group, including innovative and ground-breaking product development programs.